2008年12月29日 星期一


P.86右中標題There Are Three Major Types of Forests 開始
Forest systems are lands dominated by trees. The three main types of forest-tropical, temperate, and cold (northern coniferous and boreal)-result from combinations of the precipitation level and various average temperatures (Figures 5-10 and 5-14).

Tropical rain forests (Figure 5-14, top photo) are found near the equator (Figure 5-8), where hot, moisture-laden air rises and dumps its moisture (Figure 5-5). These lush forests have year-round, uniformly warm temperatures, high humidity, and heavy rainfall almost daily (Figure 5-14, top graph).
熱帶雨林(參考圖5-14,最上面的照片)在赤道(圖5-8)附近被找到,溼熱使得空氣上升並且快速消耗它的濕氣(圖5-5)。 這一大片的森林整年都存在,都是溫暖的溫度、高濕度和高的降雨量(圖5-14,最上面的圖)。

Figure 5-15 (p. 88) shows some of the components and food web interactions in these extremely diverse ecosystems. Tropical rain forests are dominated by broadleaf evergreen plants, which keep most of their leaves year-round. The tops of the trees form a dense canopy (Figure 5-14, top photo), which blocks most light from reaching the forest floor, limiting illumination to a dim greenish light.
圖5-15 (p. 88)顯示在這些不同的極端的生態系組成和食物循環及交互作用。熱帶雨林由闊葉煙草的常綠植物控制,他們維持全年都有葉子。樹的上面形成一個密集的樹冠層(圖5-14,最上面的照片),阻攔許多到達森林地面的光線,限制照射到昏暗的、微綠色的光。

Some trees are draped with vines (called lianas) that reach treetops to gain access to sunlight. Once in the canopy, tlie vines grow from one tree to another, providing walkways for many species living there. When a large tree is cut down its lianas can pull down other trees.

Tropical rain forests are teeming with life and boast incredible biological diversity. Although tropical rain forests cover only about 2% of the earth's land surface, ecologists estimate that they contain at least half of the earth's known terrestrial plant and animal species.

These life forms occupy a variety of specialized niches in distinct layers-in the plants' case, based mostly on their need for sunlight, as shown in Figure 5-16. Stratification of specialized plant and animal niches in a tropical rain forest enables the coexistence of a great variety of species. See Figure 3-13, p. 50, and photo 3 on p. vii. Much of the animal life, particularly insects, bats. and birds, lives in the sunny canopy layer, with its abundant shelter and supplies of leaves, flowers, and fruits.
這些生活類型佔領特別重要的地位及多樣性,與其他明顯不同的階層,主要根據他們的對陽光的需要,如圖5-16所顯示。在熱帶雨林中植物和動物專屬的階層能使多種種類、品種共存。見圖3-13,在p. vii的第50頁和照片3。許多動物生命,特殊昆蟲,蝙蝠。以及鳥類,生活在晴朗的樹冠層,提供他們遮蔽風雨的地方及豐富食物,像:葉子、花和果子。

Dropped leaves, fallen trees, and dead animals decompose quickly because of the warm, moist conditions and hordes of decomposers. This rapid recycling of scarce soil nutrients explains why little litter is found on the ground. Instead of being stored in the soil, about 90% of plant nutrients released by decomposition are taken up quickly and stored by trees, vines, and other plants. This is in sharp contrast to temperate forests where most plant nutrients are found in the soil. This helps explain why rain forests are not good places to clear and grow crops or graze cattle on a sustainable basis.

2008年12月25日 星期四


4-5 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=RKv_gwZoJAU

5-1 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=zzjOcOcQ90U


4-2 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=CmRyJaBPvD0&feature=related
氣候變遷 溫室效應帶來的影響。

4-3 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-k7KOym8Nk

4-4 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=kXXzvGJCVAc